অনলাইন পরীক্ষা - ১৭ এর উত্তরপত্র

 অনলাইন পরীক্ষা -  ১৭ এর লিংক

অনলাইন পরীক্ষা -  ১৭ এর উত্তরপত্র
তারিখ: ১৪/০৯/২২ ইং

০১. Article is used based on----
(ক) stress
(খ) spelling
(গ) sound
(ঘ) pronunciation  ✓

০২. No article is needed before-
(ক) An adjective
(খ) A pronoun  ✓
(গ) a noun
(ঘ) an adverb

০৩.  কোনটিতে Article এর সঠিক প্রয়োগ নেই ?
(ক) Men
(খ) An University  ✓
(গ) The earth
(ঘ) An hour

০৪. He is ----- FRCS শূন্যস্থানের উপযুক্ত article কোনটি?
(ক) an  ✓
(খ) a
(গ) the
(ঘ) no article

০৫. Which is the correct article? Metre is ---- unit of length .
(ক) the
(খ) a  ✓
(গ) an
(ঘ) No article

০৬.  He left _____ heir. (Fill up the blank with appropriate articles)
(ক) the
(খ) a
(গ) an  ✓
(ঘ) No article

০৭. Choose the right use of article in the following sentence.
(ক) Who is woman in a red sari?
(খ) Who is the woman in a red sari?
(গ) Who is the woman in a red sari?
(ঘ) who is the woman in the red sari?  ✓

০৮. He went to ______ hospital because he had ___ heart attack.
(ক) a, an
(খ) a, the
(গ) no article , a  ✓
(ঘ) the , no article

০৯. "This book is --- one I was seriously looking for." -- choose the
correct article :
(ক) an
(খ) the  ✓
(গ) a
(ঘ) no article

১০. Put the correct article in the gap. The Meghna falls into --- Bay of Bengal.
(ক) the  ✓
(খ) a
(গ) an
(ঘ) no article

১১.  What will be the appropriate article in the blank of the
sentence? I see you are --- Wordsworth.
(ক) a  ✓
(খ) an
(গ) the
(ঘ) none

১২. Sohana is ______ European lady. Put an article in the blank.
(ক) the
(খ) a  ✓
(গ) an
(ঘ) no article

১৩. Choose the correct article: They took me to _____ hospital in ambulance.
(ক) a
(খ) an
(গ) the  ✓
(ঘ) none

১৪. I paid _____ one taka note for _____ old paper.
(ক) no article,the
(খ) a,the
(গ) a,no article  ✓
(ঘ) a,an

১৫. He was _____ honourary Magistrate. (Fill up the blank with
appropriate articles)
(ক) an  ✓
(খ) a
(গ) the
(ঘ) one

১৬. -------- mother rose in her.
(ক) a
(খ) an
(গ) the  ✓
(ঘ) on article

১৭.  ----- water of this pond is clear. Use article.
(ক) the  ✓
(খ) a
(গ) no article
(ঘ) an

১৮. --- Mount Everest is the highest peak in the Himalayas.
(ক) No article  ✓
(খ) A
(গ) An
(ঘ) The

১৯. He is ___ honors graduate.
(ক) the
(খ) a
(গ) an  ✓
(ঘ) no article

২০. Generally speaking ________ peacocks are more beutiful than peahens.
(ক) The
(খ) A
(গ) An
(ঘ) NO Article  ✓

২১. Fill in the gap: He had three eggs for ...  breakfast.
(ক) a
(খ) an
(গ) the
(ঘ) no article  ✓

২২. Check ----- beast in you.
(ক) a
(খ) an
(গ) the  ✓
(ঘ) on article

২৩. He has ____ read and white horse.
(ক) no article
(খ) a  ✓
(গ) an
(ঘ) the

২৪. ------ honesty of Rahim is enviable.
(ক) a
(খ) an
(গ) the  ✓
(ঘ) on article

২৫. He lives ___ comfortable life.
(ক) a  ✓
(খ) an
(গ) the
(ঘ) no article

২৬. Rahim went----hospital as patient.
(ক) a
(খ) an
(গ) the
(ঘ) no article  ✓

২৭. Fill in the blank with the right option: My sister really
wants...... dress for Christmas.
(ক) a
(খ) an
(গ) the  ✓
(ঘ) no article

২৮. ___ English are industrious.
(ক) a
(খ) No article
(গ) The  ✓
(ঘ) An

২৯. At last the beast in him got _____ upper hand. (Fill up the blank
with appropriate articles)
(ক) a
(খ) an
(গ) the  ✓
(ঘ) No article

৩০. Choose the correct use of article : This is --- better of --- two.
(ক) a, an
(খ) a, a
(গ) the, the  ✓
(ঘ) x, the